How to Check Mark Alt code?

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For inputting characters for which there is no specific keyboard key, use Alt codes.

For inputting characters for which there is no specific keyboard key, use Alt codes. Holding down the Alt key while you input the Alt code of the character on the numeric keypad, will enable you to type these characters. You may use the keyboard in Word to enter the check mark Alt code.

Follow these guidelines to enter the check mark symbol in Word using the Alternate code:

  • Open your Word document first.
  • Position your insertion pointer where the symbol has to be typed.
  • Press and hold the Alt key.
  • Type the Alt code for the checkmark (10003) while you hold down the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • After you enter the Alt code, you will have to let go of the Alt key.

Is this Alt code applies to every Microsoft application?

The Alt code will work only in Microsoft Word. You may use this Alt code to add it to your Word document before Copy-pasting it. You can find the copy and paste button at the top.

How do you check marks in Word using a keyboard shortcut?

Here are the steps which will show you how to insert the checkmark symbol into your Word document using this shortcut:

  • Take the cursor where you want to type the checkmark.
  • The checkmark Alt code is 2713; type it next.
  • Highlight the Alt code after typing it, then hit Alt+X on your keyboard.
  • Alt code shortcut for the checkmark symbol
  • The check mark Alt code (2713) will become the check mark symbol as soon as you hit the Alt+X shortcut.

This is how you may insert the checkmark symbol using the Alt Code in your Word document.

How do you insert a symbol for Mac checkmark?

  • Copy and pasting is the simplest way to use the checkmark symbol on a Mac.
  • Use the character viewer as an Alternative and place the insertion pointer where you'd like the checkmark to appear, then select EditEmoji Symbols. 
  • When the character viewer opens, type check into the search box to see any symbols with that name as their first letter. Then incorporate it into your writing by clicking the checked icon.

How to add Excel's checkmark sign?

To find the symbols in Excel, there is a procedure that also makes use of the Alt code. The method of CHAR method was used during the implementation.

The following steps are required for inserting this symbol in Excel through the CHAR function: 

  • A click is required to activate the cell that will contain the symbol.
  • Type =CHAR(after which you can put the symbol's Alternative code. The full formula should be as follows: =CHAR(252).
  • Press Enter to get the results after typing this formula. You'll receive the ü umlaut character.
  • In order to change the ü to a checkmark symbol, all you have to do is to change the font of this cell [convert it to Wingdings].

These are the only ways to use the checkmark symbol's Alt code in Word and Excel.

The numeric keypad is required to enter the check mark Alt code. To activate the hidden numeric keypad for laptops with smaller keyboards, if you are using one without one, press the keys Fn and NmLk simultaneously.