Know something about the standing desks!

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For more information on how you can maximize the advantages of replacing your traditional workstations with a standing desk, contact FEZIBO today.

Do you often update your social media while standing at your desk? How about doing a quick read on a piece of specific news that interests you, while also standing right now? Then there's a good chance that standing and working at a standing desk is all the rage now. A recent study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that standing for six hours a day instead of sitting not only prevents weight gain; it can help people shed a pound.

standing desk

A study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health confirms this. A group of 74 healthy participants did computer work while sitting, standing, or walking on a treadmill. The research showed:

When sitting down, participants burned 80 calories per hour.

When standing up, participants burned 88 calories per hour.

When walking, participants burn 210 calories an hour.

Standing burned just 8 calories more per hour than sitting. Not a substantial increase, but as mentioned above, this can help ward off unwanted weight gain. Adding movement by walking while working may offer the most health benefits with more calories burned and the potential to improve muscle tone and cardiovascular health. Standing desks are a great way to add movement at work. The best way to add movement is to take a break from your work and go for a walk, explains Pichonsky. This is also good for your mental health.

Let's Talk About the Pros of Standing Desk

Ensures you're standing smart. According to Bethany Barone Gibbs, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh who has studied standing and sitting, investing in an ergonomic standing stable is important to ensure you're standing smart, so what does this actually means? Having a chin parallel to the floor, an event shoulders, even hips, and a neutral spine are signs that you are standing smart and that you have a good posture.

It will make you more confident. Having great posture while working is everything. It's connected with being physiologically healthy and strong. In a study conducted by the co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University, he stated that body posture can affect not only what others think about us, but also how we think about ourselves. People are more competent without them knowing because of their posture. A great option for short and tall people. While people are creating DIY standing desks such as clothes hamper and iron stand to create their preferred height adjustment while working, this might not be a great idea, per se, as they are putting their monitors and laptops at greater risks of falling.

standing desk

With a corner standing desk, people now have the option to match their height in the preferred ideal working position. When you stand and move a lot, everything follows; however, poor posture including prolonged sitting; compresses the organs including the stomach and intestines. To put this simply, when you sit in a bad form, your colon tends to kink up which leads to constipation. A lot of desk job workers experiences headache from working at a monitor and sitting for too long. The reason behind this is that when you slouch forward, rounding the shoulders, and pushing the head forward, it compresses the neck, tightens the muscle, and weakens the core, thus the frequent headaches and joint pain. With a white standing desk, you'll be able to move around, stretch those muscles, and keep the blood circulating. Better blood flow means more oxygen throughout your system, which also means more energy for you.

While the new study suggests that a wooden standing desk is unlikely to help with weight loss or avoid weight gain, there may be other reasons to stand while you work. Advocates of standing desks point to studies showing that after a meal, blood sugar levels return to normal faster on days a person spends more time standing. And standing, rather than sitting, may reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain. Other potential health benefits of a crank standing desk are assumed based on the finding that long hours of sitting are linked with a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, disease cancer (especially cancers of the colon or breast)premature death. But "not sitting" can mean many different things; walking, pacing, or just standing; and as the new study on energy expenditure shows, the health effects of these may not be the same. For most of these potential benefits, rigorous studies of standing desks have not yet been performed. So, the real health impact of a glass standing desk is not certain.

It's also true that certain tasks, especially those requiring fine motor skills, are more accurately performed while seated. So, a bamboo standing desk may not be a good answer for everyone who sits a lot at work. What's next? We have seen dramatic changes in the work environment in recent years. These include open floor plans and inflatable exercise balls instead of chairs, as well as standing desks. I have colleagues who have installed a "treadmill desk" that allows them to work on a computer or video conference while walking on a treadmill. There are advantages, and perhaps some risks, that come with each of these changes. But, before we accept them as better, or healthy, we should withhold judgment until we have the benefit of more experience and, ideally, well-designed research. Okay, you may now sit down.

standing desk

Generally speaking, you can adjust standing desks to be at the perfect height for you, and this is called standing desk with keyboard tray. If you don't feel completely comfortable using them, you can experiment with the height and angle, as well as try modifications or purchasing accessories to make your experience of using a standing desk more comfortable. For example, you can purchase cushions to sit under your wrists and relieve some of the pressure that standing and working can result in.

Many people are becoming more aware of the benefits of standing desks, and this is causing them to opt for using a standing desk at the office instead of a traditional sitting desk. How easy is it to use a standing desk, though? Are standing desks for everyone?

Ultimately, unless you have a medical condition that affects your circulation, a standing desk is likely to be a much healthier option for you. You don't have to forego setting altogether, though. You can choose to alternate between sitting and standing to get the best of both worlds and make things easier on your body. If you want a convenient one, a cheap standing desk is a good choice.

Ergonomic office chairs are designed to place your comfort and good posture above all else. Expect to be fully supported with backrests, soft seat cushions. Besides,best ergonomic office chair can help ease lower back pain, give support to the spine, keep joints in a neutral position, and alleviate neck and shoulder pains. Using ergonomic office products can also reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders that damage the neck and back.