Emociones Secundarias

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Son todas las emociones iguales? Muchas personas creen que así es (quizás porque simplemente no se han parado a pensarlo). Pero la realidad

Adaptive depressive disorder: what it is and how to best manage it

We all have something clear: life is a process of adaptation, in which changes are inevitable. You just have to see how things like the way we communicate, access to entertainment options and even the way we work and study have evolved in just 20 years.  Emociones Secundarias

Although changing and living new experiences is something completely normal, unfortunately this is not carried out in the same way by all people, which means that, without being able to object, different traumas and disorders, both psychological and emotional, arise.

One of these possible consequences is depression, or rather adaptive depressive disorder, which I will talk about in today's topic, where you will understand key aspects such as what it is, its symptoms, types, and the options you have to get rid of it in Little time.

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What is an adjustment disorder with depressed mood and how does it originate?

Perhaps you have never heard of this type of depression, so the starting point to understand it in depth is to really explain what it consists of.

Like others, the depressive disorder considered as adaptive has its origin in stress, more specifically that which is carried out in a very particular situation.

In order for you to understand it better, you have to understand something basic, and that is that when you make changes in your life, such as moving to another city, changing jobs or ending a relationship, you must always go through an adaptation stage, in which your levels stress levels are higher and help you stay alert to learn how your new environment will work and avoid mistakes.

This stress, although it is considered good, always brings with it other emotions, such as sadness, despair and even anger, which in certain situations are also considered a defense mechanism.

The problem is that when these are very intense or you lose control of them, they can trigger a disorder known as adaptive depression, which consists of the arrival of symptoms typical of depression motivated by an inefficient adaptation to a new environment.

What are the symptoms of depressive adjustment disorder?

As with all kinds and variations of depression, anxious or depressive adjustment disorder has a series of symptoms that characterize it, which vary somewhat from one patient to another.


In itself, the symptomatic picture that defines this problem related to mood is quite similar to that of common depression, so if you do not take into account the triggering cause, it could easily be confused with other classes of disorders in the same group.

If you don't know what they are, or you want to rule out the option of depression, here is a list of the most common symptoms. But not without first clarifying that, although after reading them you feel that you fit perfectly in all or most of them, this does not automatically mean that you can consider yourself a patient.

This is because depression is a complicated problem that can never be taken lightly, and to find out if you suffer from it or not, it is mandatory to carry out different medical studies by a specialist.

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