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تم تصميم منضدة ESD الملحومة حسب الطلب لتكون متينة ومتينة وتساعد على رفض البناء الثابت. يمكن استخدام مقاعد ESD الخاصة بنا كمنضدة عمل للإلكترونيات.

Anti-Static Flooring

Avoid accidents in your workplace, and get the builds moving faster, with the fantastic Anti-Static flooring available from Anti-Static ESD. مقعد إسد

Many accidents are caused yearly as a result of electricity building, or not being handled correctly within the work space, to avoid any unnecessary difficulties, look into Anti-Static Flooring with Anti-Static ESD. There’s a variety of flooring products available, including ESD floor tiles, conductive matting and more, so no matter what the size of your project is, you can keep it, as well as your staff safe, with Anti-Static ESD.

If you’re working with sensitive machines, and to a tight schedule, it’s important to avoid slowing down your schedules due to static build-up or machines going on the fritz. By utilising our Anti-static flooring, you can work comfortably areas of your own design, to your own pace, knowing your machines are safe from any electrical issues.

We do more than just anti-static flooring, if you need special sprays to clean your machines safely, even wearable gear, anything anti-static, you’ll be able to find with Anti-static ESD. If you’re interested in any of our products and want to know more, or just have questions you would like answered, feel free to get in touch via the provided form on our website, alternatively, give us a ring on: 0844 357 8787.

Visit Link- https://www.antistaticesd.co.uk/product-category/esd-workbench-and-worktops/