Test De Inteligencia Emocional Gratis

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The curious phobia of holes: a strange disorder that is becoming popular

For some time now, the phobia related to holes has begun to have a strange and unexpected popularity. And it is that, in the mid-2010s, the entire internet began to fill with images related to the presence of pattern-shaped holes.  Test De Inteligencia Emocional Gratis

Although a lot was said about it at that time and millions of people came out to falsely assure that they suffered from it without even having proof of that, the truth is that it is a totally real phobia that affects many people and limits their free development. .

If you have come this far, it is surely because you want to know more about the true phobias of holes, in this case, here I will explain what its official name is, the real symptoms that it represents, what generates it out of habit and how to help someone with this problem.

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Contents index?

Fear of holes Do you have a real name?

Most characteristic symptoms of hole phobias

What causes trypophobia and extreme trypophobia?

How to help someone who has a phobia of holes?

Fear of holes Do you have a real name?

If you are from the generation that was active on the internet when this phobia became so famous, it is likely that, among so many publications, you have come across the odd one that mentioned a name and until now you are not entirely sure if it is a real name or if, on the contrary, the word was just to attract attention.

If you are not from this generation, it is likely that you were even aware of the existence of the phobia that involves holes, so logically you have no idea if it has an official name or not.

For you who are in this second case, I want to tell you that, being a real phobia, verified by experts in the field, this type of fear is assigned an official name, which helps to differentiate it from other intense fears or phobias. .

As for this, said name is trypophobia , which was used frequently in the years in which this world enjoyed great popularity. And, to the surprise of some, it does not refer to any type of hole, but specifically to those that are arranged according to a pattern.

Most characteristic symptoms of hole phobias

Although when you hear about it you may believe that it is an absurd fear, tripophobia or phobia of holes together has very marked symptoms that characterize it.

Learning it or at least knowing a little about it, not only serves to better understand the problem and those who face it, but also to identify if you, if you believe it, can verify how likely it is that you have a tryphobic disorder. Although something needs to be clarified about this, and that is that no matter how much you apply 100% when reading the symptoms, phobias are not self-diagnosed. With this I want to tell you that you should see these symptoms more as a guide to help you recognize if you need to seek a professional opinion, since it is only a specialist who is trained to accurately diagnose a mood disorder, including trypophobia.

Clarified this, the most common symptoms include:

feeling of disgust⬅

It is very common that when facing trypophobia you have a feeling of unpleasantness just by observing patterns of holes . This sensation causes you, for example, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset or simply a strong unpleasantness.

Emotional stress⬅

Like the previous one, it is considered one of the most common sensations, and refers to the presence of high stress even when thinking about holes .

panic attacks⬅

Extreme trypophobia can lead you to have panic attacks in which the flight reflex is activated , which in many cases becomes quite dangerous.


Another very common symptom is anxiety, which in some cases can be at such a level that, as with the previous one, it generates effects on the patient's behavior .

What causes trypophobia and extreme trypophobia?

There are several hypotheses that try to explain how such an irrational fear is generated, such as that caused by pattern-shaped holes, but among all of them there are a couple that are taken as the main ones.

The first, and perhaps the one that explains most of the cases, is that tripophobia is an incubated fear of adaptive interest , which means that it is a fear that all human beings have ingrained in our DNA and is activated in some people. According to this theory, the reason is that our ancestors developed it in order to survive, hence the name of adaptive interest.

Surely you are interested in: ? « How to Overcome Your Fears (Including the Fear of Death), Eliminate Anxiety and Depression, and Increase your Confidence, Fullness and Happiness in life (almost instantly) thanks to the Essential Refocus » ( Note  : it works even if you don't know anything about psychology, personal development or coaching and also even if you are not religious or anything like that)

And it is that, if you analyze it, in nature this pattern of holes is repeated in dangerous elements such as honeycombs or the skin of snakes and other animals that were once our predators.

The other frequently mentioned theory explains that the phobia of holes is a fear that is generated by the mind itself , because many times these patterns come in images that we do not process well and generate an optical illusion, something that the mind tends to do. get away.


How to help someone who has a phobia of holes?

Serving as emotional support for someone with a phobia is not easy, since the idea is that, contrary to what they often want, you help them overcome their fear instead of avoiding it , since living with a phobia that is considered limiting does not It is the most convenient for mental health.

But, although working towards improvement itself is a long job, there are several things that you can do even if you have no experience, among them are:

Talk to him or her about your fear

Invite him to face situations little by little and, in them, never leave his side

Show him hole patterns that are considered pleasing to others. The internet is full of tripophobic images that are disgusting to anyone

Don't ignore the fear, it's real

Avoid underestimating their emotions

Being afraid of holes is not as strange as it seems, try to stay calm and work to improve!?

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