Elden Ring: How To Beat Queen Rennala

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In Liurnia of the Lakes, the Raya Lucaria Academy of the cheap Elden Ring gold   is where players will face off against their final boss, Queen Rennala

In Liurnia of the Lakes, the Raya Lucaria Academy of the cheap Elden Ring gold   is where players will face off against their final boss, Queen Rennala. Because she is a spellcaster, she is similar to a glass cannon in that she cannot withstand a significant amount of damage, but she is capable of casting a wide variety of potent spells that will quickly return you to the state you were in before you fell from grace.



The first stage, known as Sweetlings


- When you first enter the library boss arena, you will be confronted with a spooky cutscene that demonstrates some of the wide-eyed students that Queen Rennala chooses to surround herself with in the arena

- Your objective is to defeat her in some way

- In addition to that, they will be chanting the eerie lullaby

You will need to track down and eliminate three of these students who have a golden glow about them. As you eliminate each foe, you will see that the golden bubble surrounding Queen Rennala is beginning to break apart more and more. You will have approximately twelve seconds to unleash your wrath upon her before the window closes. As soon as the allotted time has passed, she will burst into a golden light and float back up into the air, her golden shield being fully repaired. In most cases, you will need to complete two full rotations before you can defeat her in phase one; however, this is dependent on the amount of damage you deal. When you get too close, some of them will launch book projectiles at you, while others will start breathing fire at you. Additionally, they will occasionally headbutt you. You are going to see fire falling from the ceiling, and you are going to come across chandeliers that have broken nearby.

As long as you keep moving around the arena and ducking between the pillars and bookshelves, the majority of these attacks should miss you even if you aren't actively attempting to avoid them.

Rennala, Queen Of The Full Moon, During The Second Phase

QueenRennala is a powerful sorcerer; as a result, she poses a greater threat at a distance, and she is easily thrown off balance. Although the majority of her move set is composed of powerful ranged abilities, she does have a few close-quarters attacks in her arsenal that are designed to push you away from her.

Simply shifting your direction of movement from side to side allows you to partially or completely avoid many of her moves. Keep moving around even when you aren't actively trying to attack her, as she will constantly be casting delayed spell projectiles at you.

Rennala is susceptible to damage dealt by magic but has a high resistance to physical harm.

Because Rennala's spells have a homing effect, calling forth a Spirit Ash to assist you during this battle can be of great benefit, as PC Elden Ring Runes for sale (buy it online) can both draw Rennala's attention and the attention of the projectiles. This will allow you to dodge both attacks. This can give you the space you need to heal up or get closer to your opponent for more powerful attacks. Due to the fact that many have a lag in their attack, she will often cast several in succession, leaving you with a continuous stream of magical projectiles that you need to avoid.

Throughout the course of the battle, Comet Azur Queen Renalla will cast this spell on multiple occasions; however, she will always begin phase two with this move.

It can be identified by the sphere of power that she is currently channeling into her staff. The orb gradually decreases in size until it is centered on the tip of her staff as a single point. Timing your dodge so that it occurs just after the energy orb has stopped shrinking is key. If you are able to avoid the blast, run directly towards Rennala and immediately begin attacking her.

Showers of Stars

Whenever Rennala uses this move, she will frequently move either away from you or to the side while simultaneously waving her staff in the air above her head. In most cases, sidestepping will allow you to avoid all of these or at least the majority of them. If you get hit, start dodging as soon as possible, and you should be able to avoid any subsequent projectiles that are homed in on you. This spell is much harder to avoid than the Star Shower spell, so your best bet is to run to the side and dodge two times as soon as the first one reaches you.

Rennala, the Comet Queen, unleashes a burst of arcane energy with a very slight tracking component by using her comet spell.

This move has a shorter charge-up time in comparison to Comet Azur, and while it is still a quick projectile, it is not quite as instantaneous as Comet Azur, giving you a better opportunity to dodge it. She will frequently cast this spell while you are occupied evading projectiles from her Star Shower or Homing Crystal attacks.

Spinning Weapon

When Rennala sees that you are standing directly in front of her, she will occasionally cast the spell "Spinning Weapon" with her staff. In the event that you take some damage at this location, you will have a sufficient amount of time to recover during this window.

Throw with a Staff

When you are within close proximity to medium range, Rennala will occasionally throw her staff in front of her, and it will return to her like a boomerang when you are in this position. This attack is difficult to predict because it occurs so infrequently; however, you should be cautious if you are in a close proximity to it. If you are in range, time your dodging move so that it occurs just as the attack is being delivered. Because of this, you will be in an excellent position to punish Rennala while she is recuperating. If you're in need of some healing or buffs, now is a good time to get them. If it is successful, the attack has the potential to deal a significant amount of damage; however, it moves very slowly. If you can get to the side of the moon quickly enough, it will eventually crash into the ground, and you will escape without any injuries.


Rennala will start calling upon powerful spirits to assist her in the fight somewhere in the middle of the conflict. This begins with a spell that pushes you away from her as she casts a summoning ritual, during which she calls forth either a Bloodhound Knight, a Troll, a Dragon, or a pack of four wolves. Their true power lies in their ability to divert your attention so that Rennala can launch one of her more devastating attacks against you.

The wolves can all be eliminated with a single blow, but it's likely that the other foes will disappear before you have a chance to defeat them. It is in your best interest to disregard them and either take the initiative to attack Rennala head-on or maintain your distance until the summoned creature has left the area. When you get closer to her at this point in the fight, unless she already has a summon that is active, she will call forth a potent spirit when she does so. Your best bet is usually to trick the summon into coming to you by attacking first, and then to use the time you have while the summon is active to deal some damage to Rennala.

A Few Final Words

You will be able to better prepare for what lies ahead if you have a thorough understanding of all of the attacks that Queen Rennala uses in phase two. If you are still having trouble defeating her before she wins the battle against you, you might want to consider gathering all of the Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears that are still scattered across the map but that you have not yet collected.

In addition, it is imperative that you enhance the weapon(s) of your choice using any unused Smithing Stones or Somber Smithing Stones that you have amassed up to this point. It's easy to forget about them, but keep in mind that every little bit helps. The same principle applies to upgrading your preferred Spirit Ash with either Ghost Glovewort or Grave Glovewort. You will have a better chance of winning the fight if you can keep your Spirit Ash alive for a longer period of time.